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Jenn S. Bookworm

Single mother to an exceptional child who shares a love of reading. There's always a book nearby. I love reading and reviewing and sharing new finds with others.
The Rose and the Thorn  - Michael J. Sullivan Michael Sullivan has a unique ability to write exactly what he wants the reader to know in such a masterful way that is easy to read without being too simple. He is able to clearly paint the scenes with just enough information, allowing the reader to utilize their imagination while thoroughly enjoying the story without distractions; Not too much information, not too little.

The characters are beautifully presented, each with their own unique personalities, quirks, flaws, goals, mannerisms, and they are always true to who they are. Each character is believable from start to finish. The plot is clearly well developed and consistent throughout the entire book. The flow of the story is perfect page to page and definitely keeps the reader wanting to turn the page and not set down the book until it's finished.